Monday, September 24, 2012

Ford Tough

A Fed Ex truck got back on its scheduled route Wednesday afternoon thanks to a good Samaritan.

The truck was stuck on an on ramp to Interstate 30 near Galloway when a driver single-handedly got the dual tractor-trailer unstuck and back on the road.

Josh Hammers, the Good Samaritan, said he was out Wednesday morning looking for stranded drivers when he came across the Fed Ex truck.

Hammers said he knew it was going to be a bigger challenge than a normal passenger vehicle, but he thought he'd at least give it a shot.

Ten minutes later, his Ford F-250 was tugging the truck back onto the road.

Hammers said a sand truck had passed by just minutes before, making it a little easier for his truck to get traction.

He added that this was just another example of why he's a Ford man.

"They do the job. My dad's got a '78 in the garage that he bought new, so we're definitely a family of Fords," Hammers said.

The Fed Ex truck was just one of several cars Josh pulled to safety on Thursday. He said it's something he does every time the weather gets bad.

“I just pay it forward," Hammers said. "If I was stuck out on the side of the road, I’d appreciate the help too, so just try to do the right thing."

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